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EM Advanced Topics Newsletter
(the first volume, a quadruple-length issue published as a triple issue, was published in both digital electronic form and printed form.)

Note from Vinny: I asked my publisher to cease printing and sales of the electronic and printed version of the first volume (a quadruple-length issue released as a triple issue) of this product as of early 2010. This newsletter has been discontinued; more details may be found below.

Meanwhile, the original triple or quadruple issue of the newsletter is NOT available from me. Please do not send me money (as so many have tried to do) in the hopes that I will send you a copy; I cannot and will not do that, as I am not the publisher. Rather, if you insist upon sending me funds in the hopes that I will send you a copy of the first triple volume, I will accept the funds as a donation to support my work and will NOT refund or return the funds to the sender.

Here is the description for the original newsletter, circa 2004:

This media product was originally conceived as a 12-issue newsletter devoted to advanced topics in this arena, with the 12 issues to be released over a 2 to 4 year period. Ultimately, the only issue ever published was the first issue, which turned out to be a quadruple-length issue (that is, the size of about four normal issues). I eventually decided, based upon input from a number of interested parties in the world of syntropic antioxidative microbes (SAM), and particularly from many vendors/producers of SAM Type 4 products, to suspend publication, leaving the first quadruple-length issue as the only published issue.  (I have since refunded the remaining balance of the original purchase price to the two original subscribers who requested it, and, for the remainder of the original prepaid subscribers, in addition to the first quadruple-length issue, I sent them a complete version, in digital (PDF) format, of my SAMT4 Beneficial Microbes Applications in Agriculture: Volume I, Elementary Applications (1st edition) book as a replacement for the 9 missing issues of the newsletter that were never published.

Price for a 12-issue subscription to the newsletter ranged from $19 to $22. The single issue published, a quadruple-length first issue, was sold for $7 to $9 in PDF file from, and for $11 to $12 in paper form. Publication of further issues, as noted above, has been canceled; the newsletter has been discontinued. I have, as of late 2009, asked the publisher to discontinue sale of copies of the oversized first issue.

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