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Some Typical Services Rendered to Clients: Greater Vitality, Health and Well-Being

On this page, I offer an overview and brief summary of some services in the greater vitality, health and well-being category which I have rendered to consulting and contractual clients since 1998. In all cases, any significant details which might allow an observer to identify a client or technology or technology details to an inappropriate extent have been obscured to maintain complete client confidentiality.

A note about client privacy and confidentiality: Identity of my clients and details of work rendered for my clients, unless explicit arrangements have been made otherwise, remains entirely confidential and private. This is of utmost importance in this field, as many of my clients have a number of proprietary and trade secrets for technologies and processes which they wish to keep confidential.

  • For individuals who had been adhering to fundamentalist, rigid and formulaic raw vegan diets: coaching and consulting in transitioning from a rigid all-raw all-vegan diet to a much broader and more healthful diet more suited for their needs; some had previously been diagnosed with severe health problems due to their raw vegan diet.

  • For individuals who had been adhering to fundamentalist, rigid and formulaic all-raw diets which included raw animal foods: coaching and consulting in transitioning from a rigid and fundamentalist all-raw diet to a much broader and more healthful partly-raw Paleolithic diet more suited for their needs.

  • For several raw vegan dietary gurus: assisting them in transitioning from a rigid and fundamentalist all-raw all-vegan diet to a much broader and more healthful diet more suited for their needs; two had started to notice serious health problems or deficits due to their past adherence to the all-raw vegan diet.

  • For a licensed clinical psychologist who had been having health problems: assisted this client in evaluating the claims by a naturopath, three dowsers and two energy healers (all of whom wished to charge her an exhorbitant fee for "removing" the putative adverse geopathic energy fields from her home) that her home was loaded with a large number of very powerful and very harmful geopathic energy fields, aka geostress zones, which they claimed were causing her illnesses.

  • For a client who had been diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, EHS (that is, electro- hypersensitivity) and CFS by her licensed healthcare practitioner: assisted this client in evaluating claims by healthcare practitioners and by product vendors alike that much of his problems were being caused by "electrostress" in his home and workplace; that is, exposure to harmful levels of incoherent electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (aka EMF) from modern technological devices and appliances and AC wiring systems.

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